My Favorite Karaoke?

Alhamdulillah, I can make story again in this week with enjoy and spirit, and I hope you all too. Write on the blog is part of hobbies many peoples, and one of them is karaoke. The people go to the karaoke center for refresh brain and body from their busy after working at daily. Then, they are sings with their chosen favorite songs in the monitor karaoke. They look enjoy and have fun with karaoke, tired feel like release from their body and brain because sing a song. Different with me, I’m not like to sing a song, because that is'nt my hobby.

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When I asked about “what is your favorite karaoke?”, maybe I will answered it I use the microphone for only speaking in public such as telling for announcement and many thing others. So, that is my choose favorite for using microphone, hehe. In order than, maybe I will use the microphone at the mosque for adzan or called the peoples for come and do pray (Shalat). Once upon time, the man called people for come to mosque for pray not use the microphone, but the man called from the highest place. With technology in this time, become easy for the man called the people to go the mosque with karaoke tool, microphone I mean. Hehe~


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