My Special Smartphone Apps

Smartphone is cellular phone with many applications installed on it, and there is many type applications available at application store in that smartphone. We can choose the applications in that application store agree with necessary. Of course, people using smartphone for their easily in daily activities, such as working, studying, shopping, playing and many others. Although many applications installed on my smartphone, there is one special application which i love to use it, and that application name is “Maps” or people say it “Google Maps”, because this application is integrated with Google system.

 I use application in my smartphone which named Google Maps if I will find the locations such as street, build office or other place. The way to operating this application is simple to use by me or other people. We can use this application enough with write the name of street, build office or other place, and then the application will displayed the route from we location to objective location. After that, there is option we can choose to go by foot or by car, of course with different times to arrive at the objective location. Thanks for God and the Man who designed this application which very benefit for many peoples in the world.

Image source by Google with searching name : Google Maps picture.


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