The words from paragraph about "Teenage Depression".

There is word below is many part of the paragraph about ” Teenage Depression”. This following  is words have synonym or same mean ;

§  Pupils = student = pelajar
§  Suffering  : menderita
§  Rapidly = quickly : cepat
§  Expert : ahli
§  Particularly = especially : terutama
§  Huge = big >< small : besar >< kecil
§  Cultural pressures : tekanan budaya
§  Youngster : anak muda
§  Change : perubahan
§  Perhaps = maybe = probably : barangkali
§  Identify : mengenali
§  Symptomps : gejala
§  Snap : tidak akur
§  Lost touch : hilang komunikasi
§  Fortunately : untungnya
§  Notice = see = pay attention : peringatan
§  Recognize = know : mengenali
§  Expect = hope : harapan
§  Snap out of it : menghibur, menenangkan.
§  Cope : akur
§  Blue = sad : sedih
§  Poem : puisi
§  Whether : apakah
§  Nurse : perawat
§  Confidential = secret : rahasia
§  Escape = run away : pelarian
§  Suicide : bunuh diri
§  Self injury : menyakiti diri sendiri
§  Vital = important = essential : penting

§  No matter how : seberapa


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