The Real Money

Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullaahi wabaarakaatuh,

Ladies and gentlemen, 
Let me stand in front of all the audience to talk about “The Real Money”. Before I start to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, who has given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this good place, and also we don’t forget to deliver shalawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad Shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam, who has lead us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way.

It be great honour for me to stand right here in front of you all to give a speech about currency under the title “The Real Money”. That money is gold coin and silver coin for people use every time they do the transaction in the market. The gold coin and silver coin used as global currency since 1400 years ago in Europe, Asia and other continent in the world. This currency is fair where ever someone can buy something although in a place different country because that currency have global characteristic. If that gold coin and silver coin is not same made with that country, it can be smelted for make other form appropriate that country.

The gold coin and silver coin is anti from inflation in every time from once upon time until now. This matter proved when price a goat can buy with one gold coin until now it is price still same. You all can check the date and information from other source with theme about benefit gold coin and silver coin as exchange instrument in economics matters. Different with currency at this time which money make from paper with filled number. The price items in the market always being high inflation from time to time. I take example if you all will buy something like electronic product, and you all save the money from now  to buy it one or two month again, the price of that items have change from price have you see it before. So, you will need more money to buy it, and you do saving again then the price change again because inflation.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Look from that condition, the government in all country must change their currency for good economy, belonging to Indonesian country. The currency mean is hard currency namely gold coin and silver coin. Indonesian country own gold and silver mine source nature, and government can manage it to be hard currency. If we already use the hard currency for trade in the market, maybe economics matters condition will better from now. People not believe again for used now currency which form paper with filled number on it. They will change their money before only illusion become to the real money, namely gold coin and silver coin. Prospect in the future, i hope it can be realized and the real money can make better life to all human in the world, in particular Indonesian country.
Thank you for your kind attention.

Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullaahi wabaarakaatuh.


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