Welcome in Pontianak City, Kapuas river have story~

The top recommendation from me for tourist if I am guide him to enjoy in my town, Pontianak, is walked to “Taman Alun-Alun Kapuas”, before go to other places like Equator Pillar in North Pontianak City, Siantan.  This park is located in front of the Pontianak Mayor office and on the ledge of Kapuas river. This place is very enjoy if we come at afternoon and evening because that time is have good air temperature. Besides that, there is a great variety of culinary sold here we can choose what we want to eat, while to enjoy the beauty of Kapuas river.

image source: jalan2.com

In addition enjoy the beauty of Kapuas river, we can looked the boat passing, a person who has fishing, and men up the canoe. When Islamic new year has come, we can watch and hear the “Meriam Karbit”, at this time more people town or tourist come to watched it. Kapuas river ever become inspiration by someone novel writer which named Tere Liye. That is make this river be famous in Indonesian and overseas. So, this place very recommended for visited before go to other destination in Pontianak city. if you’ll be want to come this place, in syaa Allah I can be guide for you. 


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